Forming an AMS Team and Committee

The AMS team consists of staff with regular, everyday duties to support the AMS program. Team members will largely become 'the face of AMS' within their facility, district or network.

The AMS committee is a larger group consisting of the AMS team members, executive representatives and other staff members representing groups or departments affected by the AMS program (key stakeholders). This committee exists to provide support and direction to the AMS program, and align the program with the wider healthcare strategy. It also allows a range of staff members to have input into the program and ensure it meets everyone’s needs

Fact sheet - AMS Teams and Committees

This fact sheet provides advice on forming a team to undertake AMS activities and establishing a committee to oversee the AMS program in your facility.

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Sample TOR for an Antimicrobial Stewardship Committee

This document provides sample terms of reference for an antimicrobial stewardship committee, and may be modified to suit individual healthcare facilities.

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