
Staff Education and Training

Open disclosure eLearning modules are available at HETI Online. They have been developed by the CEC for clinicians and other health care staff and include:

Introduction to Open Disclosure - a short lesson designed for all clinicians and other health care staff

Clinician Disclosure Module - six short lessons designed to develop the skills required by clinicians to perform Clinician Disclosure with patients or support people immediately following a patient safety incident.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Clinician Disclosure

Lesson 2: NSW Health Open Disclosure Processes

Lesson 3: The Clinician's Perspective

Lesson 4: The Patient and Family Perspective

Lesson 5: Apologising and Saying Sorry

Lesson 6: Communicating with STARS

Open Disclosure Advisor Module - six short lessons designed to provide senior clinicians and managers with an understanding of the role of Open Disclosure Advisors.

Lesson 1: The Role of Open Disclosure Advisors

Lesson 2: The Formal Open Disclosure Process

Lesson 3: How the Open Disclosure Advisor Supports the Clinician

Lesson 4: Supporting the Formal Open Disclosure Process

Lesson 5: Planning and Facilitating the Formal Open Disclosure Meeting

Lesson 6: Review of the Open Disclosure Meeting

Legal and Insurance FAQs

Some clinicians and health professionals have expressed hesitation about participating in open disclosure discussions due to concerns around legal and financial implications. Chapter 10 of the Open Disclosure Handbook addresses many of these concerns and answers many of the common questions about legal interpretations and insurance implications.